The Biography of Dard Hunter
Cathleen A. Baker
Red Hydra Press publication date - 1 January 2000
by Timothy D. Barrett and Marie Via
A wood engraved frontispiece by John DePol
Printed letterpress in Dante types cast by Michael Bixler
Printed on Twinrocker Mill handmade paper
Handmade endsheets made by Dard Hunter III
Hand bound by Gray Parrot
Boxes made by Judi Conant
Forty-five copies are still
available. $1,800 plus shipping.
Red Hydra Press
is pleased to announce the publication of BY HIS OWN LABOR, THE BIOGRAPHY
OF DARD HUNTER. Dard Hunter (1883-1966) is best known as the paper historian
whose writings form the cornerstone of our knowledge about world handmade
paper history, technology, and materials. In order to gather firsthand
knowledge about the making of paper, he traveled the world collecting
tools, equipment, raw materials and paper samples. Through his Mountain
House Press, he published his knowledge of world papermaking though
a number of important limited edition handmade volumes, which have formed
the foundation of today's renaissance in hand papermaking and related
crafts. The Dard Hunter Collection forms the foundation of the Robert
C. Williams American Museum of Papermaking at the Institute of Paper
Science and Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.
In addition
to his scholarly achievements, Hunter was also a consummate craftsman
and designer whose lifelong philosophy was to make things by hand, striving
for the highest craft standards attainable. While early in his life
at the Roycroft he worked in media such as stained glass and metals,
he later devoted most of his life's work to the book arts - papermaking,
type founding, and hand printing.
While Hunter
wrote his autobiography, later followed by a biography of his father
by Dard Hunter II, BY HIS OWN LABOR represents the first extensive critical
biography. The book carefully chronicles his life and work, and evaluates
his legacy.
In 1983,
the late Patricia Scott, art history professor at Ohio University, recognized
the need for a critical biography of Dard Hunter, and she began the
project. Before she could complete the manuscript, Professor Scott passed
away after a lengthy illness, and the project to complete the manuscript
was passed to Cathleen Baker. Baker, like Scott, had been deeply interested
in Hunter and his work, and had extensive knowledge of paper conservation.
She was Associate Professor in the Art Conservation Department at Buffalo
State College, when she decided in 1990 to finish the Scott biography.
Unknown to Scott and Baker at the time, was the existence of a significant
archive composed of over 10,000 letters, books, photographs, and other
materials found in Dard Hunter's home, Mountain House, Chillicothe,
Ohio. While Baker was on a sabbatical leave in 1991 to finish the biography,
the archive was discovered by Dard Hunter III. With this new information
suddenly available, Baker, encouraged by young Dard, moved to Chillicothe
to evaluate and organize the archive. What Baker and young Dard came
to realize was that this archive would substantially change the direction
and scope of the biography, and the project began anew.
At the invitation
of Dard III, Baker moved to Mountain House in 1993, having decided
to leave her academic position and pursue the biography and an unknown
future. Given full access to this wealth of information, and pursuing
the biography vigorously from many fronts, Baker made substantial progress
from her second-story room in Mountain House overlooking the valley
and town. By 1996 she had completed the first draft of the manuscript.
Having decided earlier to accept the invitation by Steve Miller, proprietor
of Red Hydra Press to publish the biography in a limited edition, Baker
moved to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the press' home.
For the next
year she worked editing the manuscript and preparing for its publication.
In 1997, Baker decided to embark on learning firsthand the craft and
art of making books by hand, and enrolled in the MFA in the Book Arts
Program at The University of Alabama. She is a recipient of the prestigious
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship and continues her study in the hand crafting
of books, while participating in the production of BY HIS OWN LABOR.
Her goals are to publish a series of limited edition monographs on significant
individuals in the book arts under her Legacy Press imprint.
has been made by hand. In this day of the mass production of limited
edition books, our book is printed from metal types by hand - two pages
at a time on a Vandercook 4 flat bed printing press in a fashion of
which Dard Hunter would have approved. It is composed of 23 signatures
(folded gatherings) of 16 pages each, in an edition of 155. The 12-point
Dante Monotype has been cast by Michael Bixler. R. Stanley Nelson of
the Smithsonian Institution cut the punches for Hunter's special "DH"
monogram in both 10- and 12-point sizes, and hand cast them for inclusion
in the text. The luxurious handmade paper, dampened for printing, was
created especially for this project by the Twinrocker Mill in Brookston,
Indiana. Dard Hunter III made the endsheets by hand at Mountain House,
using his grandfather's mould and deckle. The book is half-bound in
stunning dark green leather with vellum tips by Gray Parrot, and our
printed pattern side papers. 124 black-and-white and color illustrations
of the work of Dard Hunter are reproduced in a cloth bound accompanying
volume, printed by Meriden-Stinehour in Vermont to the highest quality
specifications - and both the biography and its illustrations are housed
in an elegant clamshell box.
How does this
book differ from past books about Dard Hunter? In 1981 and 1983,
Dard Hunter II published the two-volume work THE LIFE WORK OF DARD HUNTER
(LWDH) under his Mountain House Press imprint. This was a limited edition
book illustrating especially the design work of Hunter Sr. and the papers
made by him at Marlborough, NY and by his mill workers at Lime Rock,
CT. In LWDH, DH2 also sought to correct some of the errors in his father's
autobiographies. In 1998, the Bird & Bull Press published a resetting
of LWDH, retitled DARD HUNTER & SON. It contains a new introduction
about DH2 by Dard Hunter III, as well as the notes DH2 used to produce
LWDH, and footnotes about the Hunters by Henry Morris. BY HIS OWN LABOR
is the new, definitive, and authorized biography of Dard Hunter Sr.,
which primarily relies on the newly discovered archive in Mountain House.
Unlike its predecessors, it is a critical and complete study of Hunter's
life and work and is supported by extensive endnotes.
If you need any
futher information, or care to place an place an order,
please contact us at,
Red Hydra Press, 11404 St. James Court, Northport, AL 35475. 205.339.1220
Miller, 8.5.2001
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